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ONLINE Workshops; Frequency Drawing - Intuitive Communication
Join us for a series of online workshops designed to explore the depths of intuitive communication, where words take a back seat to subtle, felt expressions. These workshops are crafted to help participants unlock new layers of connection and understanding by tuning into their inner awareness and learning how to communicate through presence, energy, and intent.

Why Attend? These workshops offer a unique approach to communication that goes beyond traditional conversation, helping you to trust your intuitive senses and connect more profoundly with others. Ideal for anyone seeking a deeper, more meaningful way of interacting, this journey will leave you feeling more connected to yourself and the world around you.

What We Will Be Doing? In this workshop, we’ll engage in frequency drawing, a process of expressing our current states directly onto paper as a way to release and observe our inner energies. We’ll begin by noticing and capturing our present emotional and mental patterns, using lines, shapes, and colors to represent what we’re experiencing. From there, we’ll add new frequencies—new elements or changes to the drawing—to explore how different energies interact within us. Through this intuitive art practice, we’ll open a line of communication with our deeper selves, allowing insights to emerge about our default patterns, current states, and unmet needs. This journey will help us uncover hidden patterns and gently shift them, fostering a greater understanding of ourselves.

What you need to attend? Piece of paper, pen (at least 2 different colors) and good will to explore the world of intuitive frequencies.

11.11. Introduction: Frequency Drawing, FREE
18.11. Expressing inner states; Emotional Personification
, 10
25.11. Adding new frequencies; Frequency Drawing, 10
Mondays 19-20h

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