SWACUHO 2016 Program Proposal
The SWACUHO Annual Conference Call for Programs is here!  The Programming Committee is hoping to have a wide array of educational program sessions available at the Annual Conference February 21-24 in Waco, TX and we need your participation to do that. This year’s conference, hosted by Baylor University is themed “Golden Jubilee” in celebration of SWACUHO's 50 years.

Our goal this year is to incorporate the ACUHO-I Core Competencies in our program proposals. As a conference, we are looking to educate ourselves and continually improve our services; moreover, the Core Competencies serve as a superb guide in this endeavor. Please take some time to review them here (http://www.acuho-i.org/AboutUs/CoreCompetencies/tabid/1087/Default.aspx). Connecting your proposal to these competencies will be part of the evaluation process.

Program proposals are due on Thursday, October 1 and may be submitted by filling out this survey. The survey will ask for an abstract, description, goals or objectives, and an outline.  

Thank you in advance for submitting a program proposal and working hard to create an excellent learning experience for our delegates.   Please feel free to send any program questions to gwen.young@tamuc.edu 

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Program Title *
Program Abstract *
In 100 words or less, describe your program as you wish it to be printed in the Conference Program Book. Clearly state the objectives of the program. Keep in mind this is what the attendees read and use to make their decision for attendance.
Program Description *
In 300 words or less, please provide a description of the program. Please be as specific as possible. This is for the program committee to help decide if the program should be chosen. This will not be what is printed in the program at the annual conference
Program Outline *
Please provide a general outline for the program.
Program Goals/Learning Outcomes *
Please provide three (3) goals or learning outcomes for the program.
Program Style *
Would you be willing to present this as a display session in the SWACUHO Showcase? *
The SWACUHO Showcase is a time for many different programs to be presented at one time. You would bring a display highlighting your program and answer any questions that participants may have.
Program Topic *
Select as many as apply. If you need clarification on definitions of these topics, please refer to the Core Competencies as outlined on the ACUHO-I website or by clicking the link in the description above
Target Audience *
Select as many as apply
Audio/Visual Needs *
The presenter is expected to provide their own visual aid equipment. Program committee will have a few projectors and speakers on reserve but cannot guarantee their availability.
Coordinating Presenter's Name *
Coordinating Presenter's Institution *
Coordinating Presenter's Title *
Coordinating Presenter's Email Address *
Coordinating Presenter's Phone Number *
Name of Co-Presenter #1
Co-Presenter #1 Institution
Co-Presenter #1 Title
Co-Presenter #1 Email
Co-Presenter #2 Name
Co-Presenter #2 Institution
Co-Presenter #2 Title
Co-Presenter #2 Email
Co-Presenter #3 Name
Co-Presenter #3 Institution
Co-Presenter #3 Title
Co-Presenter #3 Email
Co-Presenter #4 Name
Co-Presenter #4 Institution
Co-Presenter #4 Title
Co-Presenter #4 Email
Additional notes, comments, or information that would be helpful for the program committee:
Suggestions for Keynote Speaker
Please include any suggestions you may have for a keynote speaker for this year's conference. Any additional information on them would also be helpful.
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