Scientific Research Questionnaire
This is a short questionnaire designed to gather some broad data about your opinions on social media, politics and scientific research.
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Would you participate in political discussion using social media?
This includes commenting on controversial issues and discussing opinions
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Would you like to be able to discuss scientific topics with likeminded people online?
Like having a defined space to discuss one single issue e.g climate change
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Would you like to influence the direction of scientific research
This would be through an open forum, vote or poll
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Do you think we should be able to vote on which scientific research area government funding is invested in?
This would require the government to ask the population their opinion on scientific funding
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Would you like to be able to have more direct discussion with politicians and scientists?
This involves being able to directly contact prominent figures in cutting edge research programs
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Would you like to be able to have your say in the future of our energy industry?
Would you like to have your opinion heard e.g nuclear vs solar power
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Which area of scientific research are you most interested in?
If money were no object, what would you like the research to focus on most
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