On a scale from 1 to 5, please mark the number which indicates how much you agree with the statements, with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree.
1= Strongly Disagree 2=Disagree 3=Neutral 4=Agree 5=Strongly Agree
My clinician treats me with courtesy and respect
I have access to help when needed in a crisis situation
My clinician listens to me carefully and understands my problem
I am able to obtain an appointment in a timely manner
My clinician shows respect for what I have to say
I am able to see the same clinician for therapy
My clinician spends enough time with me to help me through my problems
Staff is very helpful in providing me the services I need
My clinician gives me the reassurance and support that I need
Staff treats me with dignity and respect
I usually agree with my clinician about how to deal with my problems
Staff provides me with information about additional services in a timely fashion
I am usually involved in decisions concerning my treatment
Staff protects my confidential records
My clinician informs me of my right to refuse treatment
I know who to contact in the event that I’m in a crisis
My clinician respects my privacy and ensures that there is confidentiality
I feel like I have been helped by the mental health services and other services provided to me at the Clinic
Staff and clinicians are culturally sensitive/competent
Language spoke
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