Social Innovation Program for Educators
New for 2014!  The GSVC--SEA is offering the Social Innovation Program to allow Educators to get hands-on practical tools, share ideas, and develop programs that encourage social innovators and entrepreneurs.

The program cost is $375 and includes program participation, materials, breaks, and lunch during March 5-7 in Bangkok.  Accommodation is separate, but we have arranged a special room rate at the program venue for Social Innovation Program participants.  Contact us for details at

Take a few minutes to fill out the following application--we look forward to seeing you in March in Bangkok.
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Tell us your name: *
First Name
Last Name
Nick name or name you prefer to be callled
Tell us your organization: *
Organization name
Organization Address *
Address #1
Address #2
Address #3
City, Town, or Province
Postal Code
Contact Number, if we need to get in touch with you quickly *
Format: + (country code) (area code) (phone number)
Contact email *
One goal of this program is to give tools to educators that they can implement immediately.  Sometimes this can be more effective if two or more colleagues attend the program together, and then return to their home institutions to implement change.  To encourage this, a 15% discount is offered to two or more colleagues from the same institution.
Second Colleague (Please also fill out a separate application form)
Third Colleague (Please also fill out a separate application form)
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