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Counting Sheep: Episode 2 - Musical Maladies
Welcome to Sheep! This game of sheep is Musical Maladies.
Sheep is a great game. Anyone can play, and I hope a lot of you do.
The goal of sheep is to submit the answer to each question that matches the answer given by the largest number of other players. Each answer gets a number of points equal to the number of players that submitted it. The most points at the end wins the game. There are no incorrect answers in sheep. You are allowed to look things up in sheep. You are not allowed to communicate with other players about the game.
You can think of it along the lines of Family Feud, except the players are also the people answering the survey. The reveal for this game with be on the next episode Counting Sheep, the newest OMG show! Good luck to all!
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Email *
What is your name? *
What is the most romantic song? *
What is your favorite karaoke song? *
Which artist faced the biggest Grammy snub of all time? *
Who is the most influential rapper today? *
What is a song that has a location in the title? *
What is a song title that is a question? *
What is a song with a color in the title? *
What is your favorite song that you don't want your kids to hear until they are older? *
What is a song that always makes you cry? *
What is a song you never want to hear again? *
For any of the above questions, tell us why you submitted THAT answer? *
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