Awesome Inc U Membership Application
The Awesome Inc U Membership Program is like a fitness club for programmers. The best way to learn and excel at any skill is to surround yourself with other like-minded, motivated people striving to be their best. Most of our Members have some prior programming experience, but arrive with a variety of different skill levels and goals. The Membership is designed for aspiring programmers ages 18 and up, and most of our Members are in their 20s and 30s. (for younger programmers, check out the Awesome Inc Academy)

Our team of Coaches is made up of local software developers who share their skills and provide hands-on support. In between weekly Membership sessions, we're available for Q&A via our discussion board. We use a Blended Learning model, combining in-person workshops with the best online text and video tutorials.

The Membership meets one evening per week for 2 hours at a time. Our team guides you through a personalized curriculum track in Website, Mobile App, or Video Game development. This curriculum builds towards you completing a personal project, created to be used in the real world.

The Awesome Inc U Membership Program costs $179 / month. You can start or cancel at any time, but we recommend making at least a 3-month commitment to make meaningful progress with your skills. Questions? Feel free to contact us at 859-472-4219 or
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Why do I have to apply and what is Awesome Inc U looking for in its applicants?
We want to ensure that members of Awesome Inc U are going to fully benefit from the program. We are looking for applicants that are serious about learning to program. You don't have to be a genius to program a computer, you just have to be determined. We believe that programmers are the future rockstars of America! Do you have what it takes?
Name - first & last *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Age *
Twitter Handle
(optional) Your username on Twitter, eg @awesome_inc
LinkedIn Profile
(optional) URL for your LinkedIn Profile
GitHub Profile
(optional) URL for your user profile on GitHub
Why are you applying to the Awesome Inc U Membership Program? *
Don't think about the answer to this question - just be honest and start typing.
What days of the week work well for you?
Select as many that apply
What's something cool you've created or designed? *
Include a link to something you've created. This can be anything and does not have to be programming related.
Do you know anyone at Awesome Inc? *
How did you find out about Awesome Inc U? *
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