Secu4All Training Platform_Confidentiality Form
The training platform of the Secu4All project, funded by the European Union and led by Efus in collaboration with national forums, universities, and European research institutes, aims to provide training to local and regional authorities wishing to improve their knowledge on the protection of public spaces. The training sessions focus on three key aspects of security: identifying and analysing threats, finding effective solutions, and practicing through real life scenarios. This training will provide the necessary tools to assess threats and risks in order to consider the most relevant solutions and improve the effectiveness of crisis management.

The purpose of this form is to have your consent regarding the confidentiality of the content on the Secu4All training platform, and to evaluate the platform management and access.
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How did you hear about this platform? *
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I confirm that I understand and acknowledge the confidential nature of the content provided on the European Union-funded Secu4All Training Platform (Padlet). I agree that I will not share, reproduce, distribute, or modify any of the content without prior written permission from the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus).

I understand that any unauthorised sharing, reproduction, distribution, or modification of the content is a violation of intellectual property and may have legal repercussions. In the event that I wish to share or modify the content, I agree to contact Efus and obtain their written consent before doing so. I also agree to take all reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the content and to prevent any unauthorised access or disclosure. I will not share my login and password with a third party.

By validating this privacy form, I confirm that I have read and understood its terms and that I agree to abide by them.

The protection of personal information is a top priority for Efus. We want to assure you that any personal information collected through this Google form will not be used for commercial or advertising purposes. Furthermore, we will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, namely the provision of our training platform (Padlet). We are committed to complying with the French data protection law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 and the European GDPR regulations. These laws give you the right to oppose the use of your personal data or to access it for the purposes of modification, restriction, or deletion. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact us at
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