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2021 Mosquito Creek Bioblitz
This form is to detail information of your participation in the 2021 Mosquito Creek Bioblitz just southeast of Corydon, IN. The bioblitz will take place on June 19th. Camping will be available free of charge very near the point of operation at Cedar Farm. There are hotels nearby but participants must pay for rooms themselves. More information can be found here:
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Please enter your name.
Please enter the name of the taxonomic team you are on or wish to be on.
Would you like to be your team's leader? The leader is in charge of compiling and reporting all found taxa to the Bioblitz organizer for later publication.
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Does your team plan on collecting specimens?
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If you and/or your team desire/require collecting/observing on days OTHER than June 19th (e.g., pitfall trapping, extended collecting, etc.), could you please state those requirements here?
What is your t-shirt size? (Unisex)
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Do you have any dietary restrictions?
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Please select your lodging preference.
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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