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PTSA Winter Dance Permission Form 2025
Kingsview Middle School PTSA is hosting a formal winter dance for all students on Friday, February 7, 2025, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in our all-purpose room.   Tickets are $5 and will be sold (cash only) during all grade-level lunches on Monday, February 3, Tuesday, February 4 and Thursday February 6.  Tickets sold during the pre-sale period include 1 slice of pizza and 1 drink per ticket purchased.  Tickets will also be sold at the door for $5 on Friday, February 7 - these tickets do NOT include pizza and drink. All tickets cover the DJ, photo booth and door prizes.  Food, snacks, and drinks will be sold at the dance - students must bring cash to the dance.  Only current Kingsview MS students may attend.  There is a limit of 350 students - first-come, first-served.  

The Google permission form must be completed by a parent/guardian by Wednesday, February 5 in order for the student to purchase a ticket during the pre-sale during student lunches by Thursday, February 6. 
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Email *
Student Last Name *
Students First Name *
Student Nickname *
Grade *
Does the student have any food allergies? *
List food allergies below.  If none, write N/A *
Full name of parent completing form *
Parent Cell Number *
How will student get home at 8:00 p.m.? *
Name of adult picking up student *
Cell number of adult picking up student *
If going home with friend, enter full name below.   *
*Only current Kingsview MS students may attend.  
*In order for a student to purchase a ticket, the Google online permission slip must be completed by a parent/guardian by Wednesday, February 5th.  No phone calls or emails will be accepted.  
*Students MUST purchase the $5 ticket by Thursday, February 6th during their assigned lunch in order to include 1 slice of pizza and 1 drink.    
*Students MUST bring the ticket to gain entry to the dance on Friday, February 7th.   Sign-up will be confirmed at the entrance.  
* Students should bring cash to purchase food, snacks, and drinks during the dance.
The Kingsview PTSA reserves the right to turn away anyone who does not adhere to the school dress code policy and behavior policy during the event.  Students must be present in school the day of the event in order to attend the dance.   Students MUST be picked up by 8:00 p.m.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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