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Bromley Film Skool Deluxe Student Enrolment Form Winter 2023/24
Please fill in this form if you would like to enrol your child onto the Film Skool Deluxe Holiday and Food Programme.
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Dates, time & location
Session 1:      Friday 22nd December         10am - 2pm
Session 2:      Thursday 28th December     10am - 2pm
Session 3:      Friday 29th December          10am - 2pm
Filming day:   Tuesday 2nd January           10am - 4:30pm

@ Ripley Arts Centre
What borough do you live in? *
Parent/ Carer information
Parent/ Carer first name *
Parent/ Carer Surname *
Contact number *
Email address *
Home address *
Child/ young persons information
Child's first name *
Child's surname *
Date of Birth *
Age *
Gender *
Ethnic group *
Address *
Is your child eligible for free school meals? *
Disability and learning needs
We encourage you to answer the below questions honestly so that we can best support your child attending our programme. Please note that we may contact you via telephone to discuss your child’s needs in more detail, prior to them coming to our programme.
Does your child have a disability or learning need? If yes, please could you write a brief description. Please write N/A if the question does not apply to your child. *
Does your child have any emotional or behavioural difficulties that we should be aware of? Please write N/A if the question does not apply to your child. *
What support will your child need to attend our programme safely? Will this need to be on a one to one basis? Please write N/A if the question does not apply to your child. *
Is there anything that specifically causes your child to become upset or angry? Are there any “triggers” for them? Please write N/A if the question does not apply to your child.
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your child? Please write N/A if the question does not apply to your child. *
Health & medical information 
Does your child have a medical condition that we should be aware of? If yes, please provide a brief description. Please write N/A if the question does not apply to your child. *
Is your child on any prescribed medication? If yes, please specify the name and dosage. Please write N/A if the question does not apply to your child. *
Does your child have any food allergies or intolerance? Please write N/A if the question does not apply to your child. *
Does your child have any special dietary requirements? *
Council & school information
What school does your child attend? *
Do you consent to the sharing of information described in the privacy form? *
Do you consent to your child's school being informed of their attendance at this programme? *
Do you consent to being contacted by text/ phone call/ email in relation to your child's booking? *
Do you give permission for Film Skool Deluxe to use your child's photos and videos to showcase and share our curriculum, activities, and learning environment with our local community and for marketing purpose? *
How did you hear of our programme? *
Any other comments
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