Very Impressive Presenter (VIP) Student voting form -- Patrick Thrasher
Greetings! Thank you for evaluating our speakers at Community Speakers today. Please submit your evaluation of our speakers below. Your answers will contribute to a speaker's "grade" on the presentation, which, in combination with the professor grade, will then be used to determine the best speaker for the semester.

We require U of A login to ensure that voting is fair. This form is to evaluate Patrick Thrasher on his talk “Focusing X-Ray Optics”
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Audience Engagement *
Please rate the presenter on how well the speaker engaged you and the rest of the audience. Were you excited to hear what they had to say next, or watching the clock to see when they finished?
I was falling asleep
It was so interesting!
Powerpoint Organization *
Did the speaker use their slides effectively? Were they a supplement to the talk, or a distraction?
The slides were bad
They were great!
Presentation Organization *
Could you follow where the talk was going? Was there a clear structure to the talk, from the beginning to the end
No structure at all
The presenter had a well organized talk
Questions from the audience *
How did the speaker deal with audience questions? Did they demonstrate their knowledge with clear answers?
Poor question handling
The speaker did a great job
Knowing The Audience *
The VIP series has sophomores and 6th year PhD students in attendance, or a decade worth of experience levels, making it difficult to give a talk understandable to everyone. Do you think the speaker gave a presentation appropriate for students outside of their research group, that may be unfamiliar with certain terms the presenter may be very familiar with?
Way too esoteric
They gave a talk appropriate to the varied understanding levels of the VIP series
Optionally, please write up to three comments on the presenter, either good or bad. Since this is not a numbers based evaluation, these comments will mostly be used if there is a very close tie between candidates.
Your Name *
Please tell us your name. You may only vote once!
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