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運用基礎科學理論探究事物本質的能力/Possess the ability to apply fundamental scientific theory to explore the essence of things *
具備口頭與撰寫報告、有效溝通、領域整合及團隊合作的能力/Possess the ability to give presentations, write reports, communicate effectively, integrate different fields, and work with others as a team. *
發掘、分析、應用研究成果及處理複雜且整合性工程問題的能力/Possess the ability to discover, analyze, apply research results, and handle complex and integrated engineering problems. *
理解及應用專業倫理,認知社會責任及尊重多元觀點/Apprehend and apply professional ethics, acknowledge societal responsibility, and respect diversified perspectives. *
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