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EDSA Website Evaluation
Please help us improve our website by providing feedback in this 5 minute evaluation form.

Providing your contact details will allow for further discussion of feedback provided. It is not required to provide your contact details however.

Please use this link to visit the EDSA website

Contact if you have any questions.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation form. Your feedback will shape future of the EDSA website.

Kind Regards,
Joshua Kennedy, EDSA Vice President of Public Relations
Buse Sarac, EDSA Website Co-lead

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First Name
Last Name
E-mail address *
Name of your University
Do you know that the EDSA have a website? *
How often do you use the website?
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In what purposes do you use our website? *
How satisfied are you with the quality of the website?
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
Clear selection
How would you rate the design of the website? *
How would you rate the use of imagery on the website? *
Which part of the website do you find the most aesthetic? *
How useful do you find our Links Page?
Not useful
Very useful
Clear selection
Do you have any suggestions for the website? *
Are you a subscriber for EDSA Newsletter? *
How would you rate our newsletters design and contents? *
How satisfied are you with the quality of the newsletter?
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
Clear selection
Do you have any suggestions about the newsletter? *
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