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Energy Democracy: Reclaiming Energy to Social Ownership and Full Democratic Control
Friday, December 7th:1:30 pm - 4:00 pm Hotel Focus Katowice Chorzów, Armii Krajowej 15, 41-506 Chorzów, Poland.
A roundtable of unions and allies advocating for “energy democracy.” The organizers believe social movements, unions, environmental justice and progressive policy groups need to come together in support of a new pro-public “reclaiming” of energy and climate policy, one that can establish the need for radical transformation; put decarbonization back on track, advance energy conservation, address energy poverty and inequality, and ensure a just transition for workers and communities. We invite others who share our rejection of investor- and market-focused approaches to join us for a discussion on what energy democracy might mean in practice--for people, communities, countries, and continents.
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