Young European Co-operators Network: Opening Statement
We are working towards a world democratically owned in common, moving beyond an economy based on private ownership and accumulation of wealth. Across the globe our generation is inheriting gross inequalities, environmental destruction and shameful poverty. Our movement, the co-operative movement, can transform society. It can create meaningful and rewarding work, empower the disempowered and serve the collective well-being of people and our planet. But only if it truly enacts the values of equality, democracy and sustainable development and only if it puts young people at the heart of its future.

Yesterday 70 young people from 10 countries across Europe, representing thousands of European youth, gathered to form the Young European Co-operators Network.

Through sharing ideas, skills and knowledge this network will support the growth of a vibrant, strong and innovative network of young co-operators. Yesterday we started building the future of the co-operative movement and we ask you to join us.

The problems we face

Across Europe our generation is experiencing high unemployment, lack of opportunities, political apathy, huge inequality and inheriting a climate disaster.

Within the co-operative movement we have experienced the following:  

- Lack of youth representation on boards of co-operative businesses and institutions.
- Lack of youth representation on panels at international conferences.
- Lack of investment of knowledge and resources to support youth
- Lack of support for new youth co-ops to start
- Lack of co-operative education
-Inability of the movement to create space for new and innovative ideas and ways of working that young people are creating.

Our Actions

We now aim to build a strong movement of co-operative youth in Europe through the following actions:

- Creating online space for communication
- Regular meetings alongside co-op events
- Creating a business exchange network
- Sharing educational resources
- Sharing innovative co-operative business ideas and models
- Working together to get better youth representation on board and in movement
- Bringing in a more radical narrative of true democracy, equality, social and environmental responsibility into the co-operative movement

Our Demands

- Reduced fee for youth at all conferences
- A limited number of free spaces for youth at conferences.
- All hosts of European/ international conferences make space for youth gatherings.
- 30% youth representation on boards
- youth representation on panels at international conferences
- Positions on boards limited to 2 terms.
- Better racial and gender equality
- Taking the concept of social and environmental responsibility seriously.
- Structures established to facilitate inter-generational exchange of resources and knowledge.

If you are a young person (under 35) that would like to join this network, or someone that wants to show solidarity and support please leave your signature and details below

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