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Agency/School Bulk Backpack Request Order
For bulk orders of Backpacks for an agency, please indicate the number of backpacks you wish for each gender and age group. There is the opportunity for generic coloured backpacks - essentially no pink.
For information on the Backpack Program, backpack contents etc - please visit our website:
For more information: 519 376 1560

Agency backpacks will be delivered mid July through to early August
You can do multiple orders and add to your order. You can also do orders for individual case workers if that makes things easier too.
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Email *
Is your program or agency located in Bruce and Grey Counties? *
Contact Information: name, phone: email *
  For schools: will you be able to pick-up/receive backpacks prior to August 15th ?
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  Female Backpacks - Primary: Kindergarten to grade 2  
 Male Backpacks - Primary: Kindergarten to grade 2  
Generic Backpacks - Primary: Kindergarten to grade 2
  Female Backpacks - Intermediate: grades 3 to 6  
Male Backpacks - Intermediate  : grades 3 to 6  
Generic Backpacks - Intermediate: grades 3 to 6  
Female Backpacks - Senior: grades 7 & 8  
  Male Backpacks - Senior: grades 7 & 8  
Generic Backpacks - Senior: grades 7 & 8  
Female Backpacks - High School  
  Male Backpacks - High School  
Generic Backpacks - High School  
  Any thing to add about pick up times, or other information we will need  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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