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Safeguarding God's Children: Reflection
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How do perpetrators of abuse gain access to children? *
1 point
What is the #1 reason children do not report abuse? *
1 point
Why is it essential to act when you see warning signs of abuse rather than wait until you confirm that abuse has occurred? *
1 point
True or False: 1 in 10 males will be abused by the time he is an adult.  1 in 6 females will be abused by the time she is an adult. *
1 point
True of False: Strangers are responsible for about 10% of child sexual abuse. *
1 point
True or False: Children usually lie about sexual abuse. *
1 point
What are the key elements of your learning from this training?  How will you use the content from this training while caring for children at Luther Memorial Church? *
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