Staff Application 2.0
[IMPORTANT] Please answer all questions honestly, and to the best of your ability. The application is broken up into multiple parts, and not all questions are required, although we would very much like to see all of them answered.

Remember, not everyone fits what we're looking for in Staff. Being a good person, and online all the time doesn't automatically fit what we're looking for by itself, although it is greatly appreciated.

Please do NOT post on the forums, or message the Staff team on the site, in game, or any other location about your application.

That includes things like: "Did you get my Staff app?" "Hey, can you look at my Staff app and let me know if it's any good?" or the very popular: "I know I'm not supposed to bring up the Staff Application, but [talks about Staff Application]".
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[Section 1] Who are you?
In this section, you tell us a bit about yourself, and help us to get to know you a little bit better.
What is your username on the Empire? *
What age range are you in? *
How often do you play on the Empire? How often CAN you play on the Empire? *
Please be as detailed as possible.
Have you ever been kicked, tempbanned, or banned for breaking a rule on EMC? *
If Yes, please explain why in Other.
All Staff have the ability to teleport to another player, and to Town. When should this be used? *
Please select all you find true.
Which Staff have the ability to teleport a player to another player? *
An update idea was shared via the Staff Forums, or the Staff IRC Channel. *
Please choose all options you feel are acceptable, or tell us what you feel is acceptable.
Community Clans/Guilds, and remaining impartial to drama. *
Please select all correct answers, or supply one of your own.
Have you ever been banned from ANY Minecraft Server? *
If yes, please explain in Other.
Tell us a bit about you!
What do you normally do on Minecraft?
[Section 2] How would you react to these situations as a Staff member?
Often times, Staff members are faced with difficult choices. Let us know how YOU would handle these situations.
You notice a player hacking - They're using flymod and speed. You get a video, and go ahead with banning them. *
In the appeal, they first question why they were banned, saying that they did not have illegal mods. When you show them proof, they respond by telling you that their grandmother died.
A player messages you on the website, letting you know that another player is spamming an Auction. *
You check the link they give you, and it appears the player's claim is valid - the other is indeed spamming the auctions.
You and another Staff member have a disagreement, and are no longer feeling friendly towards each other. *
You find out another Staff member is abusing their powers/using Illegal Mods.
You gather proof, and get a very strong case against them.
Clear selection
A good friend of yours starts using illegal mods, and tells you about it. *
A player you've known for a very long time appears to be having a rough day. The player starts swearing. *
This is not a normal characteristic of the player, and they have no previous history.
What are some examples of bad situations you have come across, that you feel you could have handled if you were a Moderator?
You don't have to answer this, but it would be nice information for us to have.
[Section 3] Auction Rules
Show us what you know about Auctions!
[Auction] DC of Wood Planks
DC of various wood planks - 2 rows of birch planks across - 2 rows of oak planks across - 2 rows of spruce planks across - Starting bid: 20k - Minimum bid inc: 2k - Winner chosen when I feel like choosing a winner
Is [Auction] DC of Wood Planks valid? *
Please select all that apply.
[Auction] Zombie Virus
This is an auction for 5 potions dropped by enraged zombies. - WARNING: DO NOT CONSUME - Bidding starts at 1.5k - Min bid increment 200r - Auction Ends at 10:00 GMT - Happy bidding!
Is [Auction] Zombie Virus valid? *
Please select all that apply.
[Auction] Momentus Sword
Today, do I have a special auction for you! This is a rare, one of a kind sword. The Sword is named Undead Slayer. - Starting Price 10k rupees - Minimum bid increment: 500 rupees - Auction ends 24 hours after the last valid bid - Enchants: Unbreaking 3, Smite 5, Knockback 2, Looting 3, and Fire Aspect 2
Is [Auction] Momentus Sword valid? *
Please select all that apply.
What is the minimum amount of horses a player is allowed to auction? *
What is the minimum quantity of potions a player is allowed to auction? *
*Potions must be of the same type for auction to be valid
Are player heads and Staff heads treated any differently? *
If yes, please explain why.
[Section 4] Approaching the End of the Application
Just a few more questions to go, please bare with us just a bit longer.
Please let us know, why do you think YOU should be chosen to join the Staff team? *
Have you experienced any unacceptable behavior, or had any issues with any of the Staff Team?
If so, please explain why. (Answers will remain confidential)
Is there anything that we missed?
Think something is missing? Let us know here!
Please read through the description, and answer to the best of your ability. *
Now that we're here at the end, this is a question to see if you're actually still with us at this point. We're going to give you the correct answer, so please select "Yes, it is okay to spam' and only select that. Even though this is false in reality, please check only that answer specifically for this question.
Please bare in mind that we get an incredibly huge quantity of applications. *
We just can't answer them all. We ask that you please refrain from bothering any of the Staff team regarding your application, via on site, in game, or otherwise. Even mentioning, or asking about your application will most likely result in your application being revoked.
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