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The Abundance Method Team Call
I am so excited that you're ready to create a gorgeous life of abundance! Please complete this form to provide some additional context for me before you chat with my beautiful team! We are getting hundreds of requests, so please have patience as we're working to get on calls with as many beautiful souls as possible. 

💕 After you submit this, we'll be in touch about scheduling a call with you. 
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What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What's the best email to reach you at? *
Have you already enrolled in The Abundance Method? *
On a scale of 1-5, have you participated in the 5-Day Abundance Activation Challenge? *
I haven't participated at all.
I haven't missed a beat!
On a scale of 1-5, how many of the 5-day Abundance Activation Live calls have you been able to join in on? *
I haven't watch any of them.
I joined live on every call AND watched the replays just to make sure I got the concepts!
On a scale of 1-5, how seriously are you considering joining the The Abundance Method experience?! *
Eh, I'm just looking to learn more.
I'm ALL in -- just have a couple of questions!
What, if anything, would hold you back from enrolling in The Abundance Method?  *
Can you summarize what question/s you would like to talk through?  *
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