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Self-Referral Form 2024-2025

We are delighted that you are interested in receiving support from our English hub, to develop early reading and language in your school.

The support that we may offer includes:

· Funding for phonics and early reading training and resources, fully funded or match funded dependent on schools circumstances. 

· A full audit of a school’s early reading  provision carried out by one of our experienced Literacy Specialists.

· An invite to join one of our CPD Programmes - Transforming your School's Reading Culture, Developing Early Language or Reading Ambition for All; Teaching children who need the most support including those with SEND. 

· Literacy Specialist Support Visits 

For more information visit:

Please provide as much information below as possible. This helps us to better understand your needs and prioritise our support to schools who are most in need of support and funding.

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School name:
2. School URN:
3. Contact Number
4. LA/Academy Trust:
5. Headteacher name:
6. Headteacher email:
7. Reading Lead name:
8. Reading Lead email:
9. Most recent Ofsted grade and date:
10. Have Ofsted identified Early Reading as an area for development?
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11. Is your school in an Education investment area?
12. Pupil Premium % 
13. SEND %
14. A high proportion of groups considered hard to reach such as EAL, FSM, Travellers etc.
15. Low attainment in the bottom 20% of children?
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16. School referred by local partner? (e.g. NLEs, RSCs, LADs, EIA teams/boards)
17. What phonics programme(s) does your school use?
18. What date was your phonics programme implemented? *
19. PSC % 2019?
20. PSC % 2022?
21. PSC % 2023?
22. PSC% 2024
23. Relevant contextual information about your PSC scores
24. KS1 reading % 2022 
25. KS1 reading % 2023 
26. KS1 reading % 2024 
27. Are reading outcomes in KS2 low? Breakdown into cohorts if appropriate.
28. Please briefly describe why you would like support from our English Hub
29. Today's date
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