Join Our Next Group!
We're so excited to get to know you better! Please complete the application below to be considered for our upcoming online fitness challenge!!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's is your name? *
What is your email? *
This is so we can contact you about the challenge :)
Are you currently a client of ours? *
Are we currently your Beachbody coach? Are you enrolled in Team Engaged?
Are you currently working with another Beachbody Coach? *
Are you on Facebook? *
We host the challenges via Facebook in a totally private, secret group so we want to make sure that's okay! :)
What level of exercise are you currently at? *
Beginner would be if you've not worked out before. Intermediate would be someone that has exercised for a while now, but you still don't feel like you're ready for some intense cardio or heavy lifting. Advanced is someone that has been exercising a long time and is close to their goal weight.
How much time do you have to workout each day? *
What is your goal(s) right now? *
With a challenge, you are given a workout program, a nutrition plan, and daily accountability for MAX Results fast. What best describes the investment you're currently able to make in yourself? *
Do you have any food allergies? *
Please answer Yes or No
Do you have any knee or joint pain? *
Please answer Yes or No
Do you own free weights or any other type of exercise equipment? *
No equipment is required for the challenge, but if you have equipment we may be able to incorporate it.
What workouts have you tried or currently own? How did you like them? *
Do you have any other questions about the challenge?
We will send you a start date along with more information based off of your application soon!
Are you interested in being a coach yourself?
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