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Office/Home Volunteer Registration

Volunteers are the heart of our organization.

We enthusiastically welcome your involvement! There are many ways to volunteer, all requiring different commitments in time and talent. We strive to work with each volunteer individually in assessing the best way to help FPS pursue its mission. To start the conversation, please complete the form below.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Cell Phone Number *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Emergency Contact's Relationship to Volunteer *
Volunteer Opportunities in which You're Interested: *
Have you been convicted of a felony within the past five year? *
If YES, please explain
If you have a disability, what accommodations would you need to do this volunteer position?
Do you need a seated position?
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Can you do some lifting?
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When are you available to volunteer? *
Days per month available *
Where did you hear about For Pete's Sake Cancer Respite Foundation and our volunteer opportunities? *
What interests you in volunteering with For Pete's Sake in particular? *
Please share the strengths, skills, training or knowledge you have to contribute as a volunteer at FPS. *

What training or support do you anticipate needing to do this volunteer work? (ie:  for office work, are you computer literate?  For ancillary support, are you comfortable talking with people in stressful or bereavement situations?  For events, are you better at organizing or decorating?)

I understand and agree that I am voluntarily participating in volunteering through For Pete's Sake Cancer Respite Foundation at my own risk and my own request.  I may have to submit a more thorough application with references and a background check prior to approval. I am in good health without any medical or physical restrictions.  I will wear properly fitting footwear with good traction enabling me to walk safely on all surface conditions.    I give permission for the free use of my name, picture, and voice in any broadcast, telecast, print account, or any other account in any medium. This interest form does not guarantee acceptance of my application for the volunteer role selected. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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