Bible Trivia [12] The Book of St. Mark Chapters 9, 10, 11 and 12
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Who were the 3 disciples that witnessed Christ’ transfiguration?
Where was Christ’s transfiguration?
Who appeared with Christ during his transfiguration?
Were the disciples able to heal the sick boy?
What did Christ say they needed to get out bad spirit?
What do we need to be like in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
What was Christ’ opinion on divorce?
How did Christ feel towards the little children?
What did Christ tell the young rich man to do in order to inherit eternal life?
This encounter with the young rich man prompted Christ to say that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than
But following this, Christ said something that gives us a lot of hope. What did He say?
How did Christ alert the disciples not to seek glory, when James and John asked to be on either side of Him in heaven:
What was the name of the blind man that Christ healed?
What did Christ command his disciples to bring him?
What did the disciples put on the colt?
What did people put on the road in front of Christ?
What did the crowds say as Christ went through them on the colt?
What did Christ find on the fig tree with leaves?
And what did He do next?
What happened to the fig tree, as they saw it on their way back?
Who was the symbol of the parable of the Vindresser?
Christ said: The stone which the builders rejected Has become the
How did Christ explain that paying taxes is ok?
What were the top 2 commandments according to Christ?
What did Christ say the scribes will receive?
Why did Christ say that the widow give more than all others?
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