Registration Form must be submitted no later than July 22, 2013

Conference Date: August 12-14, 2013

Questions? Send email to Mary Anne O’Brien (
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Name:     *
Mailing Address:     *
Phone #    
Cell # *
Email Address *
Church name *
Church address *
Will spouse attend Conference? *
Name of Spouse
I prefer a single room
(Note: There is an extra charge for a single room.  See Fees.)
Name of Preferred Roommate?
Registration for Province 7 Clergy ONLY (Non Province 7 Registration below)
Registration includes hotel [double occupancy], conference materials, meals [except breakfast] and transportation to and from the hotel to the seminary.  Attendees are responsible for all breakfast costs, including those purchased at the hotel.  We will make all room reservations once registration fees are received. Extra costs are paid directly to Hotel. In regards to  reimbursements: 1) Mileage will not be reimbursed 2) Submitted gas receipts will be reimbursed. 3) Air Fare up to $150 for Province 7 Clergy will be reimbursed. Please choose all that apply:
If you plan to stay an  extra night ($75 per night)  indicate which night:
Non-Province 7 Clergy Registration
Registration includes hotel [double occupancy], conference materials, meals [except breakfast] and transportation to and from hotel to seminary. Attendees are responsible for all breakfast costs, including those purchased at the hotel.  We will make all room reservations once registration fees are received. Extra costs are paid directly to Hotel. No travel assistance is available for non-Province 7 clergy. A  limited number of $150 scholarships towards registration are available by contacting Angie Cabanban and requesting assistance.
If you plan to stay an extra night ($75 per night) indicate which night:
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