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Register to be baptized at NLC Conway!
At New Life Church, our greatest joy is to celebrate lives being changed. Water baptism is the next step in your journey with the Lord—a declaration of a new life rooted in His grace. The Bible tells us that every believer is to be baptized in water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are thrilled to stand beside you as you experience the hope, love, and overcoming power of Jesus.

It is our sincere desire that every person, children through adults, have a good understanding of the importance of baptism.  Adults will have an opportunity for baptism orientation one hour prior to the service for which they are scheduled.  Elementary and middle school age children will have baptism class especially designed for them.

If you are registering an elementary aged child please follow the link below to sign up your child for KidLife baptism class.  We ask that every child complete this class before we schedule him/her for baptism.  Thank You.

If you are registering a 412 child please email Richard Eberle at for the 412 baptism orientation.

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Email *
What is your name?
When is your birthday?
If registering for a 1st-4th grade child or 412 age child, has the child registered for or attended Kid Life or 412 baptism class? *
In which weekend service would you like to get baptized? (Select 2 preferences.)
What ministry are you involved with?
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Have you accepted Christ as your personal Savior?
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What is your phone number?
What is your email address?
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