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Osage Children Book Box Sign Up
Selectors will choose books for you based off your preferences. The books will be placed on hold for you at your selected location. You will receive an email once the books are ready to be picked up.

You will receive a survey to let us know how we did. Books are due back 3 weeks after check out; however, you can log into your account to renew any books you have not finished reading yet (as long as they don't have a hold by another patron).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name of Child *
Library Card Number (Parent/Guardian if child doesn't have a card) *
Email *
Phone *
Age of Child *
How many books would you like? *
How often would you like a set of books to be picked for you? *
Pick Up Location *
The reading level most appropriate for the selected materials is: *
What level of books are you looking for: *
What type of books do you like: *
Please list any books, authors, or series you enjoy:
Please list any books, authors, or series you did not enjoy:
Do you authorize the library to turn your reading history on? (This is so the selectors don't select a book for you that you have already read.) *
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