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Eco-Volunteering Program - Registration & Application
Please read and understand the below conditions before your registration and application:

1) There will be a minimum of THREE months of volunteering period with Eco-STEPS Malaysia.
2) The volunteering time if from 9.00am to 4.00pm (Monday to Friday).
3) A free trial fieldwork experience will be provided to the potential applicant before confirming the volunterring 
4) RM 300 deposit is required as a commitment to this program to ensure that there are no sudden drop-outs 
     or cancellation before the minimum 3 months program. The deposit will be refunded once the applicant 
     completed the 3 months program.
5) Should there be any cancellation, drop-out or no-show within the 3 months program, the RM 300 deposit will 
     not be refunded and will be channeled to Eco-STEPS Malaysia for sustainability tourism works and projects.
I have read and understood the above conditions *
Full Name (as per IC or Passport) *
IC No or Passport No *
Nationality *
Address *
Mobile Contact Number *
Email *
Do you have your own transport? *
Do you have existing health conditions? *
How many days per week can your commit? *
When can you start for this volunteering program? (minimum commitment of 3 months from start date) *
What is your objective of interest in participating in the program? *
What is your objective of interest in participating in the program? *
Why do you want to volunteer with Eco-Steps Malaysia? *
Are you able to travel domestically within Malaysia? *
Please let us know if you have any questions or clarifications for us?
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