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Noods Radio: Show Proposal
Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of Noods. Please fill in the form below and we'll try to get back to you ASAP.

Application Tips
  • Having a good concept for your show is essential, please make sure you have a fully formed idea and explain clearly what the concept is and show will entail.
  • A working link to your pilot show is extremely important, make sure you double and triple check the link works otherwise we may not respond to your application. 
  • In the pilot show field, please only provide one link which is the best representation to your show idea.
  • Shows with talking get greater engagement. Make sure within your pilot show you have some talking throughout — it doesn't have to be a lot, just an introduction and some chat about the songs.
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Email *
Show Name *
Artist Email *
Your Name *
Location *
Would your show be pre-recorded or live *
If live, when are you available to present your show? *
Would you like to do a guest show or a residency on the station? *
If a residency, what frequency would you like to do a show? *
Please provide us with an introduction to the contempt of your show — musical genres, topics of discussion, potential features and any other ideas you may wish to include. *
Tell us about you! What made you want to get into radio?  What do you plan to achieve with your show? *
Please add a streamable link to a 30 minute pilot show or a mix of your own that best represents what you want to do with the show. Soundcloud or Mixcloud links are best.

Double and triple check your link works. This is the most important part of your application. If we can't access it we may not reply.
Please provide any links to previous shows/mixes which may also be relevant (streamable links) *
Please provide links to any relevant social media pages *
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