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社區緊急應變隊實戰指南評估表  Resilient Hong Kong Field Handbook Evaluation form.
Dear Friend,


We need your participation in helping us to take the first step in designing materials for Hong Kong by Hong Kongers who care.  Without your effort and time, this handbook would have been far from complete..


This open source handbook is a field guide for use by Trained Citizen Emergency Volunteers in Hong Kong. Kindly use this form to capture your comments. We are very interested to hear from you if,

1. 指南應附加其他補充的信息。
2. 當中有些資料並不適用於香港的情況。
3. 仍有些難明的技術術語。 (註:本指南是用簡單的非技術語言編寫給非技術式的使用者使用。如果你看到一些難明的技術術語,請向我們指出。)
4. 仍有難明的指引。 (註:本指南是實際應急現場使用的參考指南。如果你看到一些難明的指引,請向我們指出。)

1. Additional Information should be included.
2. There is Information that is not useful in Hong Kong Conditions.
3. .Kindly help us remove any technical Jargon. Note. This handbook is written in simple, non technical language for normal user. Kindly point out any Technical Jargon to us.
4. Still contains unclear instructions. (Note : This manual is a reference guide that is used in the field during actual emergency. If you spotted any instructions which are not clear and concise, please point them out to us.)  


This resource once completed will be shared fully with the Hong Kong Community. We hope this handbook can better equip its users and provide them with appropriate information.Thank you for your time. Your contribution here will help guide the Hong Kong Community towards effective emergency response and enrich lives and connections.  All your comments are very valuable to make that happen.

Very warmly,
On behalf of all the Volunteers.

Viveik Saigal
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