International Conversation Partner Application
Sponsored by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
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First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Name
The name you would like people to use when addressing you.
Street or Dorm Address (including apartment number) *
Town *
(ie. Potsdam, Canton, etc.)
Phone *
Email *
Gender *
What is your country of origin? *
What is your primary language? *
Reason for being in the US *
What is your major/department?
What is your age range? *
When do you plan to graduate or leave the northern New York region? *
What are your activities, hobbies, and interests? *
Describe your personality. *
How proficient are you speaking in English? *
If you are a student or scholar, what college are you associated with?
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Did you have an American Conversation Partner last year? *
If so, would you prefer to keep the same Conversation Partner?
We will do our best to honor your request.
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Do you have a spouse (husband/wife) living with you? *
Do you have a child living with you? *
Do you have a car? *
What is your religion/faith tradition?
Why would you like a Conversation Partner? *
The commitment to the Conversational Partner Program is small but significant.  Conversation Partners will meet together at least one hour per week.  Please consider this before you apply. *
Please read and put your initials below.  "I will commit to spending one hour per week with my American Conversation Partner, and I will contact him/her if I cannot meet during a particular busy week.  I realize my commitment to my Conversation Partner will last for this semester , though I may choose to continue it further next semester."  (Your initials below)
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