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Spartan Scholars Pre-Test
Spartan Scholars 2018-2019
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First and Last Name *
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Have you turned in your TRiO application?
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What does the 'S' in S.M.A.R.T goals stand for? *
A long term goal requires time and planning. Long-Term goals will usually take 12 months or more to achieve. *
What is a short-term goal? *
These are questions you can ask yourself when setting goals except... *
An opinion provides a different perspective and includes... *
A good debate is based on a lot of opinion and little evidence. *
What is a persuasive speech? *
What is the first step in preparing a speech? *
When giving a speech, you should: *
What is constructive criticism? *
Which classes do you need to take in High School to fulfill the A-G requirements to college? *
How many years of English do you need to be eligible to go to a UC/CSU? *
How many years of Math are recommended to go to a UC? *
What tests do you need to take to apply to a university? *
What should you do if you fail a class in high school? *
What kind of degree do Community Colleges offer? *
You cannot transfer to a university  from a community college. *
Do you need to take a Visual and Performing Arts class in high school to qualify for a UC? *
What kind of degrees do Universities of California offer? *
What are the differences between a CSU and a UC in terms of a-g requirements? *
On average, how many years does it take to complete a degree in the UC Systems? *
There is a relationship between your passion and career choices. *
My career consist of working with numbers, computer software, and chemicals. I am a ________________. *
When thinking about careers, it is best to start with *
What is the difference between a job and a career? *
When considering a career you should research the following: *
What can you do with a business degree? *
What major should you choose if you want to be in law enforcement? *
What should you consider when making career choices? *
What does FAFSA stand for? *
When is the FAFSA deadline? *
The FAFSA only has to be filled out once in your college career.   *
If you accepted a Subsidized Loan, your interest begins to accumulate 6 months after you graduate from college. *
Who can apply for financial aid? *
What items should be included in your "in college" budget? *
You should include your short-term and long-term goals in your time budget. *
What are some activities you should include in your time budget? *
These are successful time management skills except... *
Time management is a skill you can use in all areas of life: school work, social life, hobbies, career, family, work and even every day chores and appointments. *
What is procrastination? *
What are some ways to avoid procrastination? *
What are some examples of top time wasters? *
What is an example of community service?
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Why is community service important?
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