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Editing Client Questionnaire
Please complete the following questions to help us gauge how we may assist you in making your vision a reality!
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Name and email address *
What work(s) of yours will we be editing?
Do you want a change in direction in your writing or would you like us to keep the original theme?
What would you like your end result to look like?
How long would you like the writing to be?
What is your ideal writing format?
What is your most favored editorial style?
What editing and publishing platforms have you used before?
Would you like constructive feedback while we are working on the project?
What are some current problems you see in the writing?
When would you like the finished project?
What investment are you willing to make in order for us to deliver the comprehensive and professional services you are requesting? (i.e. $500-$1K, $1K-$5K, $5K-$10K, $20K+).(Please note, a ballpark figure is required in order to provide you with a fixed-cost estimate.)
We've found that projects are like snowflakes - no two are ever alike. With that in mind, please provide any additional details you think we should know about that we haven't covered...
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