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Recruiting In-depth Interview Participants: American, Ages 19-29

We are DBYFO, a design studio based in Seoul, South Korea. We are currently conducting a research project on how the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will bring changes to human life in the future.

In the future, AI will become more deeply integrated into human work and daily life, coexisting and collaborating more closely with us. To achieve this, AI must better understand the fundamental values of human work and daily life.

Please share with us the important values and meaningful experiences in your work and everyday life!

  • This survey is a preliminary questionnaire for recruiting participants for in-depth interviews and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
  • If you are selected as a participant, we will contact you individually.
  • The in-depth interviews will be conducted online for about 60-90 minutes, and the schedule will be arranged through mutual agreement.
  • After completing the interview, we will provide a compensation of US$90.
  • The content of the interviews will be used solely for our internal research purposes, and personal information as well as interview content will not be disclosed externally.

Thank you!

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Please provide an email address where we can contact you for the in-depth interview.
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