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Campaign kickoff weekend volunteer sign up!
Join Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Sen. Laura Fine, Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, and Rep. Robyn Gabel to kick off their re-election campaigns.

Sign up for a shift below, and feel free to reach out with any questions to

CDC recommended guidance and Cook County Public Health regulations will be followed at each event.
Masks and proof of vaccination will be required.

If you want to help but can't make the event, leave a note at the bottom of this form and someone from the campaign will be in touch!

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Event Information:
Saturday 1/15
Location: Sketchbook Brewing, 4901 Main Street in Skokie, IL
Kickoff begins at 10:30am
After volunteering, Happy Hour beer from Sketchbook Brewing will be provided by the campaigns from 4-6pm.

Sunday 1/16
Location: Democratic Party of Evanston Headquarters, 1806 Church Street in Evanston, IL
Coffee and donuts will be served before we head out.
What times are you available?
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Unable to attend but still want to help?
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