Skitterblink Cleaning Positions
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Job Position *
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Name *
Enter your name
Surname *
Enter your surname
Gender *
Select your gender
ID Number *
Enter your ID number
Cellphone Number *
Enter your cell number
Enter your email address
Street Number and Name
Enter your street name and number
Enter which suburb you stay in
Enter which city you stay in
Enter your age
Drivers License
Do you have a drivers license
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Trousers Size
Choose the size of your pants
Home Language *
What is your home language?
Secondary Language
What is your secondary language?
Enter you highest education/grade completed
Choose what abilities you can do
Choose your health condition
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Pregnant (if applicable)
Are you pregnant when you submitted this form?
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Criminal Offence *
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal crime?
Ref 1: Contact Name
Enter the name of the person where you have previously worked
Ref 1: Contact Number
Enter the contact number of the person where you have previously worked
Describe the type of work you have done at Reference 1
Declaration *
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