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Habibi's Waitlist
Remember that all spots are 5 days a week, every week. We only offer half days, not flex days. Child must be 18 months old to enroll.

When an opening becomes available for your child, we will contact you using the email or phone number you provide, so keep us updated of any changes to contact info. Once contacted, you will have 48 hours to notify Habibi’s that you would like to enroll your child before we move to the next family on the waiting list. 

Keep in mind that most openings occur at the end of summer/beginning of the fall semester.

**Please fill out one for EACH child

We look forward to welcoming you to our family!
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Email *
Child's Name *
Child's Birthday *
Parent #1 Name *
Parent #1 E-mail *
Parent #1 Phone Number *
Parent #2 Name
Parent #2 E-mail
Parent #2 Phone Number
Desired Start Date *
1st Choice *
2nd Choice
Clear selection
3rd Choice
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How did you hear about our school? *
Special needs or developmental concerns *
Allergies or pertinent medical history *
I understand that Habibi's Hutch requires proof of immunization in the form of up to date records for every student, or an affidavit stating otherwise. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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