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Fergus Elora District Soccer Application Form for 2023/2024 REP coaches
We would like to run teams from the birth years of 2016 - 2007, so Under 8 - Under 17 this year. Sometimes we do have to combine age groups so that may happen.
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Email *
Your name *
Last name First name
Your phone number *
Our Head Coach will phone you to arrange an interview

Team you would like to coach and gender *
(Put the year of birth of the age and gender, for example 2010F) 
What coaching position are you interested in? *
Briefly describe any soccer coaching experience you have. *
What coaching qualifications do you currently have? *
(If you don't have any, FEDS will support you in getting these courses and with reimbursement)
You will have to get a vulnerable sector check completed. Will this be an issue for you?  *
Any questions or comments?
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