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地點:東灣台灣教會(1755 Sunnyvale Ave, Walnut Creek, CA 94597)
晚餐餐費:$20  (13歲以上);12歲以下免費



 Jennifer 柯伊芳敬上

柯伊芳 Jennifer Ko 925-378-8958
林宜宏 Daniel Lin  925-212-3536
鄭智群 Sam Chang 937-554-4999
洪孟陽 Meng Horng 309-310-1738
蕭惠玟 Christine Chien 925-413-5146
林佳蓉  Kelly Lin 925-858-9852
黃芷萱 Delina Huang 415-774-6555


Dear EBTA friends,

   Are you ready to say bye to the Rabbit year and welcome the Dragon year? Dragon is one of the lucky symbols, meaning flourish, in Taiwanese culture. I sincerely hope that EBTA will be able to grow and build the closer connection with our neighborhood and other Taiwanese American communities in the Bay Area.

   Last year, EBTA cooperated with our local Taiwanese young parents  group hosting a Taiwanese Lunar New Year cultural experience event. It was very impressive. This year, EBTA will present “Taiwanese Night Market Carnival”. We will host 8 Taiwanese night market style game booths, including pinball, ring toss, mystery bags scoop, and etc. This will be a public event. So please invite your family, friends, and classmates to join us.  

   After the carnival event, we will host a new year dinner for EBTA members and local Taiwanese family. We will order catering. If you are interested in joining the dinner, please make sure your register online. RSVP 

Time: 2/10/2024, 2:00pm~4:15pm
Location: 1755 Sunnyvale Ave, Walnut Creek, CA 94597 (East Bay Formosan United Methodist Church)
Fee: Carnival ticket $1 for one ticket; $10 for 12 tickets (ticket booth will open onsite at 1:45pm)
Dinner fee: $20 (13 years old and older); Free (12 years old and younger)


Jennifer Ko
President of East Bay Taiwanese Association

Board members:
柯伊芳 Jennifer Ko 925-378-8958
林宜宏 Daniel Lin  925-212-3536
鄭智群 Sam Chang 937-554-4999
洪孟陽 Meng Horng 309-310-1738
蕭惠玟 Christine Chien 925-413-5146
林佳蓉  Kelly Lin 925-858-9852
黃芷萱 Delina Huang 415-774-6555

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dinner order  (13+ years old) 13歲以上訂晚餐人數 $20 *
dinner order (children) 12歲以下訂晚餐人數   free免費 *
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