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2019 YOUTH Strategy Salon Application
Thank you for applying to host a 2019 Youth Strategy Salon for your affiliate. To read about Youth Strategy Salons or our application process, please see our page on meta:

The following application is due on May 31, 2019. Applications will be reviewed on a weekly basis, and all funds will be disbursed in the month of June, regardless of the date of the salon event.

For any further question or comment, please contact Kelsi Stine-Rowe, Community Relations Specialist for the Core Team, at  
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Email *
What is the name of your affiliate? *
Only Wikimedia affiliate groups may apply to host Youth Strategy Salons.
What is the full address of your affiliate group? *
What youth-focused organization or group are you partnering with? What will your partner contribute to the event?
(e.g. is your partner contributing meeting space? access to participants? community outreach? advice on event design? etc.)
When and where will you host your Strategy Salon? *
If you are still securing a location, please list one or two options and the likelihood that they can host. If you don't have an exact date, list the range of dates or one or two date options when the event will take place.
Who will attend to your Strategy Salon? What is the rationale for this group? *
Consider age, gender, educational status, geographic area, number of people, and reason for interest. "Youth" is understood here as ages 15-24 years (UN definition), but we are open to target groups outside this age range with appropriate rationale.
Describe your Strategy Salon. What do you hope will happen during the event? *
How will you choose the thematic topics for the focus of this event? Will you choose the topics, or will the youth choose? What will this look like? *
It is strongly recommended that you select only one or two thematic areas and a smaller number of questions. This will allow for deeper discussion with greater participation. The scoping document links can be found here:
How will you structure discussions around your chosen theme(s)? *
(e.g. Will you have one big group discussion with a facilitator, will you break into small groups, will you use any materials such as sticky notes or a writing board, etc.)
How will you ensure equitable gender participation at this event? Have you discussed this challenge with your partner organization? *
In many countries, it is not socially appropriate for male and female youth to attend the same event. In some others, males and females can participate together, but females often feel uncomfortable publicly sharing their views. Please consider these dynamics, if relevant, to ensure that female participants have a safe and meaningful opportunity to participate. We are also interested in hearing how you plan to address any other inclusion issues - such as language or cultural minorities - if relevant, at this event.
Who will be responsible for taking notes and otherwise documenting the event? *
Please note that all participants included in photograph or video recording must give prior consent.
How will you  share the results of your discussion with the youth participants and/or youth in your local area? *
Note that short summary reports will also be sent to Kelsi and posted on meta to capture the conclusions from your discussions.
In what way(s) can your youth participants expect to engage after the event is completed? *
What is the estimated cost for your event in US dollars? *
Please include costs by item type and in total. For example, "food for 15 people- $250, event space rental- $300. Total- $550. You can also choose to link to a separate spreadsheet. Here is a template that you can use- make a copy and adapt for your own needs.
Who is the main contact person responsible for this event from your group? *
What is this person's username?
Besides budget, what other assistance do you need from the Core Team or the Wikimedia Foundation in hosting this event? *
Is there anything else you would like to add?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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