Survey on African Immigrants' media use and attitudes.
Information compiled in this survey will aid the researcher in measuring and evaluating African immigrant attitudes and knowledge of the media landscape around them.

The protocol number issued with respect to this project is 100/2015/78 & the study title is “The role of media representations and individual consumption on the symbolic formation and negotiation of identity amongst African immigrants in Australia.”
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Please provide your age *
Please provide your sex *
What is your country of origin in Africa? *
How long have you lived in Australia? *
What is your usual occupation? *
What type of media platforms do you have access to at home and/or at work? *
You may select multiple responses
Please list the top 5 sources from the above question  (1 being the highest –5 the lowest) media sources that you use regularly (at least several times a week) *
Please type your responses in the box below
Please may you select the main reasons why you use these media sources regularly *
You may select mulpile responses
I tend to consume these media … *
You may select multiple responses
In your opinion, how do you think Africans are represented in the media? *
Please select one answer
Please provide a response as to why you may think this representation to be the case? *
Please type you answer in the box below.
Do you think that the media representation of Africans is ... *
Please selct one answer
Which types of media do you believe cover Africans living in Australia and issues surrounding them most often? *
You may select multiple responses
How accurately do you think the news you watch, read or hear portrays Africans living in Australia and issues surrounding them? *
Please select one answer
Out of the sources you use for getting the news, which in your opinion most accurately presents information about Africans living in Australia and issues surrounding them? *
You may select multiple responses
Do you think the way Africans are represented in the media, provides the Australian population with a good/informed idea of what it means to be African Australian? *
Please selct one answer
In the media sources that you consume how often do stories that deal with Africans in Australia appear? *
Please select one answer
Are you more likely/less likely to read/watch/listen to a story if it features Africans? *
Please select one answer
If you find an article or story dealing with Africans in Australia, which group likely are you to share it with? *
You may select multiple responses
Do you, personally, try to keep up with news about Africans living in Australia and issues surrounding them? *
Please select one answer
Would you be more inclined to consume the media if it featured more content about Africans living in Australia? *
Please select one answer
In your geographical location, are you exposed to the African population? *
Please select one answer
Outside of your family/friendship circles do you associate with other Africans? *
Please select one answer
Outside of work, how much exposure to you have to the rest of the Australian population (e.g. neighbours, sporting or leisure groups, church, parenting groups) *
Please select one answer
In your association with the non-African population do you feel as though they *
Please select one answer
In your experience of socialising with non-Africans, what are some of the more common questions that you’re asked about yourself? *
Please type you answer in the box below
Why do you feel that you’re being asked these questions? *
Please type your answer in the box below
Please answer this  question “I identify myself as being… *
Please select one answer
Please indicate by ticking YES/NO if you would like to be contacted by the researcher for a future study dealing with the representation of Africans in Australian media. If you choose to be contacted by the researcher your identity and annoymity will be respected throughout. *
Please select one answer
If you choose to be included in this study please provide an email address/phone number where you will receive information about this study. *
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