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Journalists training on mindful story capturing
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Full Name


Email Address


Media Organization (if applicable)


Phone Number

Job Title/Role

How many years of experience do you have in journalism?


Have you previously reported on enforced disappearances or human rights violations? 


Briefly describe your experience in investigative journalism, if any.


Please provide links of your work.


Why are you interested in participating in this training program?

Are you committed to producing stories on enforced disappearances or human rights violations following the completion of the workshops?

Can you commit to submitting at least two stories within a short period of completing the training?


Can you commit to attending all training sessions? (Please note the dates and times will be provided later)


Do you foresee any scheduling conflicts during the training period?


Are you familiar with mindful storytelling techniques? If yes, please elaborate.

What tools or methods do you currently use for capturing stories?

Do you have any experience with multimedia storytelling (e.g., photography, videography, audio recording)?

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What are your expectations from the trainers and organizers of this program?

How do you plan to utilize the skills and knowledge gained from these workshops in your future reporting endeavors?

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