2015 J-term Digital Storytelling Fellow Application
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Full Name *
Academic Program(s) at MIIS *
Current Semester *
(e.g. 1st, 2nd)
Graduation Semester *
(e.g. Spring 2015, Fall 2015)
Tell us about past learning experiences you believe would be relevant to your participation in this project:
List past immersive learning experiences (e.g. Study Abroad, Intensive Language course, Internship, Service-Learning Project, Volunteering) you have participated in including dates / length of experience:
What MIIS J-term Immersive Learning Experience(s) are you planning to apply for:
Tell us what "reflection" means to you, in relation to your plans to participate in an immersive learning experience.
Do you have experience with digital storytelling? If so, explain. If not, tell us what interests you about digital storytelling.
Have you participated in Intercultural Communication "ICC" courses here at MIIS? If so, please list them:
Think of an immersive or experiential learning experience you have participated in. Share your answers to the questions above in the space below.
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