2016 Mentor Registration Form
Thank you for your interest in Skooled.  Skooled is a mentoring program at Central High School founded at Seton Hall.  The program starts Friday, October 14, 3-5:30pm.  Skooled sessions will start at CHS every following Friday that Newark Public Schools are in session until June 3rd.  By filling out this form you are accepting membership into the organization.
Will you be able to attend our Mentor Training Friday October 7th? *
Name *
School *
Classification *
Major(s) *
Home Address *
Street, City, State & Zip code
Best Contact Number *
Best Email *
Are you a licesensed driver with a car who would like to volunteer as a Mentor driver? *
Depending on dues and our budget you may get some compensation.
Have you attended a mentor training this year or in previous years? *
Have you visited our website *
If you have Facebook did you follow us on facebook?   *
If you have Twitter did you follow us on Twitter? *
If you have Instagram, did you follow us? *
How did you learn about Skooled? *
Why do you want to be a mentor? *
If you are a returning member, what workshops have you led in the past? *
If you were a Skooled mentor, what workshop would you choose to lead? *
This could be a topic you find interesting, related to your major or you are passionate about.
What would you like to get from this experience? *
What do you want to gain?
What can you offer Skooled as an organiztion/non profit business? *
What are your skills? New ideas to take Skooled to the next level?
Have you held a leadership position in Skooled? *
Are you interested in an Executive Board Position? *
Would you like to nominate someone else for a position? *
Dues will be collected to cover the cost of pizza and other expenses throughout the year.  What do you want to commit to? *
You will be commiting to pay in full by the First friday of the month or semester.
We started our second annual Skooled Scholarship via GoFundMe; what suggestions or ideas do you have to help us reach our $1000 goal? *
Fundraising ideas?
Returning mentors what would you suggest to make this year better than past years?
We are having a 6 week summer program (July 4th-August 11th) where 15 students will attend from 12pm-5pm for College Readiness Training and Preparation.  Will you be available to work with students during that time? *
This summer we are hoping to raise enough money to offer pay for mentors.
If you choose to work with us during the summer do you have any suggestions for summer activities, workshops or trips?
Or what would you like to see in a quality summer program?
Any Feedback or Questions you want answered?
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