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RF Dance Membership Cancellation Form
Sad to see you go!
Before cancelling you membership keep in mind:

- Returning students will pay current membership price
- No past discounts or pricing will be applied to returning students
- Membership will be canceled on the 30th day from notice

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Please indicate the reason(s) which describes your need to cancel membership *
How would you best describe your experience with us? *
If an RF Dance member needs to put their membership on hold due to extended travel or sickness, they can do so once per year for an entire pay period. Proof of the circumstances must be sent to with the subject "RF Membership Hold" as well as the member's full name, phone number, and pay period to be put on hold. After the pay period has expired, the membership will automatically resume payments without any prorating.Put Membership on Hold for ONE month! Keep my special price !
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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