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Application Form Cycling Alternatives 2013
You should make sure that you have the time from Friday 12 July 2013 until Friday 26. July 2013!!!

For information on and conditions of the project see our blog

For further questions write to
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You should make sure that you have the time from Friday 12 July 2013 until Friday 26. July 2013!!!  For information on and conditions of the project see our blog For further questions write to
1. Personal Information
First Name *
Surname *
Date of Birth *
Nationality *
Studies *
Current Occupation *
Spoken Languages *
Address *
phone number *
email *
We will spend two weeks very closely together on our bikes. So we would like to get to know you better. Please answer the following questions briefly in 2-3 sentences. But don't worry, this is no job interview! So just be yourself, there is no right answer!
2. Motivation
What is your motivation for joining as a participant for the Cycling Alternatives project? *
Why do you think we need local economic alternatives? *
What does a bicycle and cycling mean to you? *
3. You as Participant
What kind of challenges do you see for you as a Participant and how could you deal with them? *
There will be open spaces for you to contribute to the schedule of our tour by offering small workshops, practical sessions, sport and recreational activities, games etc... What could you imagine offering to the others? *
4. Organisation
These are questions which can help us organise the tour. They are in no way a condition to be accepted to the tour!!!
Do you have a tent that you could bring? (Just to make things clear: It is not necessary to have a tent to join. We will also organize who shares which tent when we all meet in person) *
How many places free in tent?
Do you have a tarp that you could bring? *
Do you have a trailer that you could bring? *
Which food do you eat? *
Do you have special dietary needs: like allergies or food intolerances?
Did you attend a first aid training within the last two years? *
Additional comments?
Join the Ride!!!
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