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7th Grade Halloween Party!                                October 28th 7-8:30 pm
The Hingham Middle School PTO and HMS staff invite all Hingham Middle School 7th grade students to an evening of Halloween fun on 10/28/22 from 7-8:30 pm at HMS. Join your friends for an evening of music, games, snacks and more. This is an outdoor event so dress accordingly. Costumes encouraged!

Please complete this form in advance to reserve your spot. Your registration is considered your ticket. The cost is $20 and MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE. No tickets will be sold at the event. Any money left over from the Halloween party stays with the class through to their end of year event in 8th grade.

If a student wants to attend but the cost is a hardship, please call the school office.

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Tickets are $20 per student. Please list method of payment *
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