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Join the E-UNITY movement: become a member

Membership Form: Join the E-UNITY Movement

Welcome to E-UNITY, where we believe in the power of unity, inclusion, and political participation. We're thrilled that you're considering becoming a member of our dynamic community!

At E-UNITY, our main goal is to encourage the political participation of young people from different marginalized groups in our societies. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to express themselves freely, have their voices heard, and wield political power when it comes to decision-making that affects their lives.

By becoming a member of E-UNITY, you're not just joining an organization; you're joining a movement. A movement that seeks to empower, unite, and elevate the voices of young people who often face multiple layers of discrimination and underrepresentation. We understand that real societal change happens when everyone, regardless of their background, identity, or circumstances, has a seat at the table.

As a member, you'll have the opportunity to actively participate in projects, initiatives, and campaigns that promote human rights, enhance access to political institutions, and foster personal development in line with your aspirations. Together, we can bridge the gap and ensure that young people with intersecting identities feel confident and comfortable participating in political decision-making processes.

We invite you to complete this membership form and embark on a journey of empowerment, solidarity, and change with E-UNITY. Join us in creating a more equitable and inclusive society, one where your unique perspective and experiences are not just valued but celebrated.

Together, we will build a brighter future for all.

Email *
What is your full name? (First name - last name) *
What is your age? *
What is your phone number? *
Please share your gender identity with us.  *
What are your pronouns? *
Could you please specify the country you are currently located in?  *
Why are you interested in becoming a member of E-UNITY?
What does political participation mean to you, and why is it important?
Have you been involved in any previous activism or community engagement? If so, please describe your experience.
What do you feel particularly connected to or passionate about advocating for?
How do you believe E-UNITY's mission aligns with your personal values and goals?
In what ways do you think E-UNITY can create safe and inclusive spaces for political participation among marginalized groups?
What skills or expertise do you possess that you believe could benefit E-UNITY's initiatives?
How do you envision your role as a member of E-UNITY in achieving our goal of engaging 500 young EU inhabitants in transformative projects by 2026?
What specific initiatives or projects within E-UNITY are you most interested in participating in or supporting?
What are your expectations from E-UNITY as an organization, and how can we help you achieve your personal goals related to political participation and activism?
Do you have any suggestions or ideas for E-UNITY to further its mission and impact in marginalized communities?
How did you learn about E-UNITY, and do you have any connections with current members or partners?
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