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We look forward to welcoming you to Community Fit!  Please make sure you've read all about us HERE before completing this form.  

You might be joining up as a "FitStar" to take part in our TEAM TASKS - where we walk or run together from our HQ to help out at a charity, school or community group for an hour.  These currently take place on Wednesday evenings between 5:45 - 8:00 pm. 

Or you might want to become a "TaskStar" and help out with COMMUNITY TASKS, where we give you training to allow you to visit elderly or more isolated members of our community to help them with simple tasks around their home or garden, to help them live more safely and independently.  Please ensure you tick the relevant option on the form and we will send you more information.

Once we've received your application form we will email you with instructions for setting up "SPOND" - the app/website we use for bookings.  Please add to your contacts to ensure you don't miss this email.*

Unless you opt out on the form, we will add you to our WhatsApp community.  Within the community we have various sub groups - to allow you to connect with other members and for us to make announcements and share information about, and photos from, our tasks.  You can manage your own membership of these sub groups or leave the community at any time.

You will also automatically be signed up for our weekly Community Fit News which comes by email.  This has all the information you will need to take part in the TEAM TASKS and any social events, so if you don't feel comfortable being part of the WhatsApp community you won't miss out! 

*Please note: The email is sent manually. We do not work full time so if you have not yet been set up on "Spond" but would like to attend a Wednesday evening TEAM TASK, please just turn up at Community House, 46-50 East Parade, Harrogate HG1 5RR before 5:45pm.   We meet round the right hand side of the building as you look at it from the main road, look out for our banner on the railings then walk down past the bins and knock on the black door on the left!

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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Mobile phone number *
Date of Birth *
Please let us know your pronouns
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Postcode *
Are you interested in joining as (please choose one or both options): *
If you join our TEAM TASKS you have the option to walk or run with a group, would you be most likely to choose to walk or run?
All our members are given a free unisex fit Community Fit t shirt. What is your t shirt size?
Please note this is just a guide, you are welcome to try on before you decide. 
How did you hear about Community Fit?
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact relationship to you *
Emergency Contact phone number *
How often do you engage in moderate or vigorous physical activity?  *
Please tell us about any health conditions or other issues that we need to be aware of in order to support your well-being during our session or in case of emergency (e.g. allergies, asthma, diabetes, chronic pain, old injuries)

Please note: Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. PLEASE ALWAYS consult your DOCTOR before beginning this or any other exercise program, especially if you have any chronic or recurring condition, and/or if you are pregnant, nursing, or elderly. This exercise program is NOT recommended if you experience chest pains or have uncontrolled blood pressure or other uncontrolled chronic diseases. 

I understand that my name, email address and phone number will be submitted to "Spond" for the purposes of managing my attendance at Community Fit events *
Please let us know if you DO NOT wish to be a part of our WhatsApp Community
I understand that I will receive a regular email newsletter from Community Fit and can unsubscribe from this at any time *
COMMUNITY FIT is part of HADCA, Harrogate & District Community Action.  Please read HADCA's PRIVACY STATEMENT FOR VOLUNTEERS before submitting this form. *
Is there anything else you would like to tell us, or questions that you would like to ask?
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