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Family-to-Family Course Sign-Up
We are a non-profit, volunteer-led society of families helping families. Family-to-Family is a free 8-week course offered three times a year: Winter, Spring and Fall.

More information can be found at:

If you are interested in attending, please complete the following information and you will be contacted by our Education Coordinator to ensure this course is a fit for you and to confirm your spot!

Privacy Statement:

Pathways Serious Mental Illness Society (Pathways SMIS) respects and upholds an individual’s right to privacy and to the protection of her/his personal information. Pathways SMIS recognizes its responsibility to be transparent and accountable in how it uses the personal information collected from the people whom it serves, its employees, its volunteers, its members, its donors, and other stakeholders. Pathways SMIS does this in accordance with British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) which sets out the ground rules for how BC businesses and not-for-profit organizations may collect, use and disclose personal information.
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Last Name: *
First Name: *
Phone: *
City of Residence *
Preferred method of initial contact *
Choices in Class Times *
All Family to Family (F2F) courses are once per week for 8 weeks. There is one weekend class and two weekday classes. Each class is 2.5 hours long. Please make a FIRST choice.
Choices in Class Times *
 Please make a SECOND choice.
Choices in Class Times *
 Please make a THIRD choice.
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